
2006年研究論文・学会発表|熊本大学 医学部麻酔科学教室

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A moderate dose of propofol and rapidly induced mild hypothermia with extracorporeal lung and heart assist (ECLHA) improve the neurological outcome after prolonged cardiac arrest in dogs.

Ichinose K, Okamoto T, Tanimoto H, Taguchi H, Tashiro M, Sugita M, Takeya M, Terasaki H.

Adipocyte apoptosis after burn injury is associated with altered fat metabolism.

Yasuhara S, Kaneki M, Sugita H, Sugita M, Asai A, Sahani N, Chon JY,Tompkins RG, Martyn JA.
J Burn Care Res.27:367-76, 2006.

The effects of pre-arrest heparin administration dose for cardiac arrest model using extracorporeal lung and a heart assist (ECLHA) in dogs.

Ichinose K, Okamoto T, Tashiro M, Tanimoto H, Terasaki H.
Resuscitation.69:311-318, 2006.

Effects of Intrathecal and Intracarebroventricular Administration of Neuropeptide W-23 and Neuropeptide B on the Mechanical Allodynia Induced by Partial Sciatic Nerve Ligation in Rats.

Yamamoto T, Saito O, Shono K, Tanabe S.
Neuroscience 137:265-273, 2006.


「sneezing」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検索

a poisonous gas, which provokes sneezing, called {sneezing gas}

嚏ガスという嚔を催させる毒ガス - EDR日英対訳辞書

I have a fit of sneezing.

くしゃみが出る - 斎藤和英大辞典

causing sneezing

くしゃみを引き起こすさま - 日本語WordNet

sneezing is reflexive

くしゃみは反射的である - 日本語WordNet

I can't stop sneezing.

くしゃみが出て止まりません。 - Tanaka Corpus

tending to cause sneezing

くしゃみを引き起こす傾向があるさま - 日本語WordNet

a chemical substance that causes sneezing and coughing and crying

くしゃみや咳、涙を誘発する化学物質 - 日本語WordNet

as well as she could for sneezing.

くしゃみをしながらつぶやくのもたいへんです。 - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』

a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache

鼻腔に炎症を起こす風邪。うっ血とくしゃみ、頭痛を起こす - 日本語WordNet




